Options in an nbgitpuller URL#


If you just want to generate an nbgitpuller link, we highly recommend just using the link generator

Most aspects of the nbgitpuller student experience can be configured with various options in the nbgitpuller URL. This page documents the various options available, and their behavior.


The path to the git repository to be pulled from. This will accept any parameter that can be passed to a git clone command.


Branch in the git repo to pull from. Defaults to master.


The URL to redirect the user to after synchronization has been complete. This URL is primarily used to open a specific file or directory in a specific application. This URL is interpreted relative to the base of the notebook server. The URL to be specified depends on the application you want the file to be opened in.


<full-path-to-file> is relative to the directory the notebook server was launched in - so the directory you see if you login to JupyterHub regularly. This means you must include the name of the local repository directory too, otherwise nbgitpuller can not find the file.

For example, if the repository you are cloning is https://github.com/my-user/my-repository, and the file you want your students to see is index.ipynb, then <full-path-to-file> should be my-repository/index.ipynb, not index.ipynb.

The link generator takes care of all of this for you, so it is recommended to use that.

Classic Jupyter Notebook#

To open a notebook, file or directory in the classic Jupyter Notebook interface, your pattern should be: /tree/<full-path-to-file>.


To open a notebook, file or directory in the classic Jupyter Notebook interface, your pattern should be: /lab/tree/<full-path-to-file>%3Fautodecode.

The %3Fautodecode at the end makes sure you never get a message about needing to explicitly name a JupyterLab workspace.


To open a directory containing shiny files, your pattern should be /shiny/<full-path-to-directory>/. The trailing slash is important.


If you have RStudio installed and set up for use with your JupyterHub, you can pass /rstudio to urlpath to open RStudio after the repo has been pulled. You can not have RStudio open a specific file or directory, unfortunately.


How deep to clone the git repo on initial pull. By default, the entire history of the git repository is pulled. This might be slow if your git repository is large. You can set this to 1 to pull only the latest commit on initial pull.

Only explicitly set this if you are actively having performance problems.


Where to place the repository when it is cloned. By default, Git repositories are cloned into the default working directory. You can specify a different parent directory for the clone by setting the environment variable NBGITPULLER_PARENTPATH, this should be relative to the working directory. If you require full control over the destination directory, or want to set the directory at runtime in the nbgitpuller link use this parameter.

Deprecated parameters#

The following parameters are currently deprecated, and will be removed in a future version: subpath, app.